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Trauma Therapy Program


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man sitting on couch talking to a therapist in a trauma therapy sessionTrauma can result from a wide range of situations and experiences. Certain traumatic experiences are the result of neglect or abuse. Sadly, sexual abuse and domestic violence are common sources of trauma. It’s important to remember that you are not alone. People who have experienced trauma are more likely to have co-occurring disorders and require dual diagnosis treatment. At Athens Recovery, we specialize in treating those who have experienced trauma. Our addiction therapy programs in Athens, GA can make a difference. 

Athens Recovery offers dual diagnosis and a range of therapy services. Our highly trained professional staff are welcoming to those from all backgrounds and walks of life. We do not judge anyone for their choices and seek only to help clients get their lives back on track. If you or someone you care about is struggling with substance abuse or addiction as a result of their traumatic experiences, reach out to us today at 844.959.4998 to learn more about our trauma therapy program 

The Roots of Trauma

Trauma can result from experiences that trigger a person’s “fight or flight” response. When this happens repeatedly, the impact of trauma is often increased and becomes more harmful. You may already be familiar with the saying that “the body keeps score.” Even when you are not fully aware of how traumatic experiences impact you, you still physically, mentally, and emotionally carry the weight of these experiences on a subconscious level. 

All trauma is both individual and personal. Trauma leaves a lasting impact on a person and, if not addressed, can become more problematic over time. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can result from a single instance of trauma or occur over time from repeated instances of intense negative experiences. 

Trauma and Substance Abuse

When a person struggles to address trauma or cannot face trauma, they may turn to self-medicating as a way to numb their emotions. Over time, self-medicating can be a slippery slope that ends with addiction. 

Treatment care offers the help that individuals need to recover from past trauma. Help is waiting for those willing to face issues in their past that are preventing them from having a more positive present and future. 

Trauma and PTSD

Trauma can result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when the experiences and conflicts that created trauma remain unaddressed. Unaddressed trauma comes back to haunt those who are unready or unwilling to face their traumatic past experiences. These traumas are often experienced in real time as flashbacks that feel all too real to a person’s mind and body. This remains the case even if a traumatic experience occurred in the distant past. 

Dissociation and PTSD

In situations of extreme acute trauma such as childhood sexual abuse (CSA) or repeated instances of domestic abuse, a person may disassociate. Dissociation occurs when the brain decides an experience is too upsetting to confront. 

The ability to dissociate is a safety mechanism that acts as a temporary protective measure so that you are able to survive a horrific experience in the moment. A person who experiences dissociative episodes may not have fully processed the events that led to this trauma which can result in PTSD.

How Trauma Therapy Can Help

Trauma results in emotional distress. A person who has experienced trauma may find themselves triggered by situations and experiences that can feel unpredictable. The tragic result can be additional psychological and emotional damage that leads to increased mental health issues.

If you are feeling triggered by experiences and situations, it is very possible that you are struggling with unresolved trauma and can benefit from trauma therapy.

In trauma therapy, our clients learn:

  • Safe guidance for accessing your personal history with trauma
  • How to address your personal traumatic experiences
  • The impact of trauma on daily life
  • Coping strategies to manage trauma and high-risk triggers
  • Methods geared towards managing trauma during addiction treatment
  • How to integrate trauma therapy into your recovery treatment plan

In trauma therapy, a trained mental health therapist works with clients to unlock traumatic experiences and rewire their cognitive processing so that these incidents are no longer re-experienced in real-time. Counselors help clients develop new associations that can help dismantle the negative feelings, attachments, and triggering sensations linked to trauma.

Let Athens Recovery Help You Move Beyond Trauma 

If you have experienced trauma, it can be difficult to move forward. At Athens Recovery, our goal is to help clients thrive in recovery. Trauma can be a barrier to lasting recovery. Trauma therapy is designed to help those who struggle with trauma and PTSD confront their past and learn tactics for strengthening the mental wherewithal that is necessary for developing a healthy and positive sober life. 

It’s an act of bravery to address trauma. Trauma holds you back from living life to its full potential. Taking steps to manage trauma and learning that you can reduce your response to triggers is a big positive step towards a better future. At Athens Recovery, we know it’s not possible to erase the past, but that does not mean that you cannot limit the impact of trauma on your daily life. Reach out to us today at 844.959.4998 to speak with a trained representative about the benefits of trauma therapy. We look forward to providing you with the help you deserve.